Rigid Insulation For Metal Buildings

R-Seal® Rigid Insulation System

R-Seal® is a durable rigid board product designed for use in roofs and walls of new construction and retrofit applications. It is the only rigid insulation system specifically engineered for metal buildings and the field concerns of metal building erectors.

Hunter Wall Panels

Our most popular Hunter board products include Xci 286, Xci CG, Xci Foil and Xci Class A Foil.


We offer a full line of Rmax board products.


Therm-All is proud to be one of the largest distributors of Thermax in the metal building industry. Thermax is UL rated for exposed use in roofs and walls. We offer a variety of Thermax options.


Therm-All offers a variety of Atlas rigid board products.

We provide reliable, compliant and energy-efficient rigid board insulation for metal buildings. We’ve been at the forefront of energy code updates for over 40 years! Trust Therm-All insulation to get the job done.